
The dawn and demise of retail disruptors: How the last 20 years changed shopping

In the age of the internet, much promise for new ways to buy fashion later cracked under pressure. Now, we’re entering an age of normalisation.
Image may contain Person Accessories Jewelry Necklace Bag Handbag Adult Camera Electronics Box Art and Collage
Photo: Chris Heads / Trunk Archive, artwork by Vogue Business

This article on fashion e-commerce is part of our new editorial package, The Future of Shopping, in which we predict how the retail landscape will be shaped over the next decade. Click here to read more.

In the summer of 2000, Natalie Massenet pitched brands and investors on the concept of a luxury fashion store that lived entirely online, giving global customers the promise of speed, convenience and access. She wanted to call it ‘What’s new, Pussycat?’, but eventually landed on Net-a-Porter, a combination of ‘prêt-à-porter’ (ready-to-wear) and ‘the net’, which was common parlance at the time.